

The spine has bone tubes called intervertebral foramina and the spinal canal. Through them are the spinal cord and the spinal nerves (nerve roots). Less space is available for the spinal nerves and/or spinal cord when the size of these tunnels is diminished. Pressure could consequently be applied to these structures.

This can be brought on by several problems, including spinal stenosis, osteophyte development, degenerative disc disease, intervertebral disc herniation, and degenerative disc disease (narrowing). Increased pressure on the cervical nerve roots caused by these diseases may result in pain in your neck, shoulders, and arms.


Neck, shoulder, and arm discomfort are signs of neural (nerve or spinal cord) compression. Strength, tingling, and numbness are frequently present in brachialgia.

 Spinal stenosis, degenerative disc degeneration, a bulging or prolapsed intervertebral disc, bony spurs (osteophytes), and spondylosis are among the conditions that can result in nerve root compression and brachilagia (osteoarthritis of the spine). Frequently, two or more of these problems coexist.

According to national statistics, 64 out of 100,000 women will have a brachialgia diagnosis each year, compared to around 107 males out of 100,000. There may be one or more of the following symptoms:

  • Pain in your neck, arm or shoulder blade
  • Paresthesia (pins and needles) in your arms, which may feel more uncomfortable when you stretch your neck or turn your head
  • Tingling sensations
  • Numbness in your arm
  • Sensation of weakness in your arm